Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 4: Happy 4th of July ( Australia)!

Even though July 4th is not a holiday in Australia, we are going to a 4th of July dinner tonight.’s not even 4th of July in the US yet!

Cathie gave this to me

Tomorrow we head to Busselton and other points south. We won’t return until the day before I leave, so I decided to pack up Tilmann now. It’s never my favorite job, but by merely cutting two more zip ties, I made packing him into the case much easier. I think I do something different every time I pack him up. 

By cutting the remaining two zip ties on the downtube of the front section, I was able to separate the handlebar/fork unit from the front triangle section. It made it so much easier to arrange in the case.

Finished! I’ll pack up the rest of the gear when we get back. 

I wish everyone back home a Happy 4th of July!

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