Saturday, November 18, 2023

Day 4 in Puerto Montt-Moving Day!

Don’t get excited. Not moving on the bike. I just moved in with Alex and Markus, who moved into the apartment next to the one they were in. This one is exactly the same layout as the one I was in with Lani. I had payed for another night in the other one, but by moving today, Steve could sleep in a bed, instead of the couch. Now I am in the room that was the same room as Lani (the twin bed room), and Alex and Markus have the double bed room. 

After moving all my stuff, I finally broke down the bike box, and took it to the dumpster. Billy is still in the other apartment with Lani and Steve. I’ll move him here tomorrow. 

This bike box managed to survive 6 flights in its lifetime. 

Goodbye Priority Bike Box! You served me well!

So now we will stay here for three more nights. It is still raining most of the day, but we get brief moments where it’s just barely raining. It would be nice if we could get out and explore. We might take a bus to Puerto Varas to a museum there. We’ll see. 

Alex and Markus got there stuff organized. Alex took the giant Ortlieb backpack bag upstairs. It was like in the movie “Wild”. 

You can do it Alex!

Climb that mountain!

We cooked our dinners, and it’s almost 9:00pm. Another day in Puerto Montt has slipped by…

1 comment:

Christian said...

Hi Colleen,
I just started to read your blog about your ride with Markus and Alexandra. wish you much fun. Say Hi to both friends.