Monday, July 19, 2010

A Perfect Evening!

As I was sitting at the picnic table at San Elijo, working on a puzzle and wondering ig Anthony and Kathryn would come here, a gentleman comes over to my campsite. He was staying at the campsite behind me with his wife, children and grandkids. We talked for awhile and then his wife was telling him to come back. He left, but came back shortly to invite me to have dinner with them. I went over and met everyone and had a delicious dinner of kabobs, salad and bread. After dinner, Becky and Dennis (and the rest of the family) sat around the fire and talked. Becky wanted to see Stella so both her and Dennis came over and took a look at her. While I was at their campsite, another cyclist from Scotland had arrived. His name is Frasier. We talked abit more then said our goodnights. This is what touring solo is all about! Meeting great people like Dennis and Becky. Aperfect evening for my last night camping!

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