Monday, June 28, 2010

Insights From the Road: Dehydration

Today is Day 11. I'm taking a rest day here at Harris Beach St. Park. It is my last Oregon stop. I thought it might be time for another "Insight From the Road". Dehydration, a little is a good thing. Not only are the potty shack opportunities sometimes far apart, but seemly more annoying is the fact that the Hiker/Biker sites seem to usually be situated far from the restrooms. Oh, sometimes the park puts a sani-can near the H/B area, but not always. The issue then is at night. No one likes to have to get up in the middle of the night and walk a quarter of a mile to the nearest restroom. This is where a little dehydration comes in handy. No need to get up in the middle of the night! It is a fine line. I do drink plenty during the ride, but just that edge of dehydration makes it nicer.

As for my ride yesterday, it was great. A gal that I have camped with all but one night since Nehalem Bay, caught up to me at Arch Rock yesterday. We rode the rest of the way to Brookings together. We stopped at most of the brown signs (viewpoints). We didn't stop at all of them because after awhile it was getting a little ridiculous. The coolest one was Natural Bridges. We parked our bikes and walked about 100 feet down the trail to the viewpoint. I'll post pics when I get home.
After we set up our camps at Harris Beach, we rode into town to eat dinner at a restaurant (a first for me in 10 days). We chose one of the many Mexican restaurants (the one with the most cars in the parking lot--always a good sign). After dinner we stopped at Fred Meyers. I just needed some essentials like more Jelly Bellys. Then it was back to camp. The same group of people that were at Humbug were also here (minus Jess who was going north). It's like this big family that goes off to work in the morning (our work being the day's ride) and then all comes home each night. Except our home keeps changing. We are all ages from all over with all levels of touring experiance. It has been great getting to know this family of cyclists.

Today, since I'm not going anywhere, I thought I might check out the marina and see about renting a kayak or something. The fog is gone now and the sun is shining. It's going to be another day in Paradise on the Oregon Coast.


Debra said...

Colleen-Your posts actually make ME want to ride. Thanks for the "insight". Travel Safe.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you've met so many great people on the road. This means I don't have to worry about you out there all alone!!!! Ride safe.
Love you Tim