Thursday, July 6, 2023

Oregon Outback Day 7-That Which I Have Done Before

We actually managed to get on the road just after 7:00! Today was supposed to be the hottest day, and we had a long climb to get to the gravel. 

Erin, Jana, me, and Steph ready to roll!

Soon we were back on the route. 


I couldn’t keep up with them, but I knew it would be like that. I just ride the speed I can go, and with a full resupply of food, it’s not that fast. I still stopped to take photos now and then. 

There’s a mama turkey and babies. 

Looks like a chimney rock 

Omer up with everyone at the beginning of the 6.8 mile climb. 

It was still paved. 

We took a break near the top at the beginning of the gravel. This was where Derik and I had camped before doing the Ochoco Overlander Route. Then it was several miles downhill. 

Here’s Jana!

I like to follow Jana downhill. She picks good lines. 

We had about 4 creek crossings. We were able to ride all of them, but there was some foot soaking and splashing. 

Erin took this photo of me. 

My pedal hit that rock right then, but I made it across. 

We had stopped for some lunch at the first crossing. Filled up with more water (it was definitely heating up), and continued on. While it was trending down, there were some rollers. But some nice views too. 

Still quite green. 

We made it to Ashwood at about 2:30. Early, but too hot to start the next 7 mile climb. We called it a day, and helped ourselves to ice cream, Gatorade, chips, and other goodies at Frankie’s Pitstop. 

Frankie himself came by and told us we could camp over by the grange. We rolled over there, underneath a juniper tree and set up camp. 

Later on Frankie came by and gave the others some beer. He chatted with us for awhile, then took off. He came back later after we had eaten dinner, looking to chat some more. I was telling them about Nepal, and he left. Then, he came back again with his feathers a little ruffled. He thought we had ignored him earlier, and he wondered what he had done wrong. I chatted with him for awhile, smoothing his ruffled feathers. He’s just lonely. He reminded me of my dad. I finally told him I needed to get to bed because we have an early morning. He went off to his house, I think, feeling better. 

Tomorrow we start with the climb. Once we get to the pavement, I will be in new territory as we head to Antelope and Shaniko. 

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