Friday, July 7, 2023

Oregon Outback Day 9-Finished!

Before I get to today’s ride, I have to back up a bit to late last night. It was about 11:30 when I heard a crack in the tree above my tent…then a swooshing sound. I had a brief moment to wonder if I was going to be dead, when the next sound was a THUD…next to my tent. I opened the tent door, and saw a huge branch about 10 feet from my tent. The end of the branch was about the same circumference as my thigh. If it had hit my tent, it would have been bad…very very bad. 

The branch from my tent door. Because it didn’t hit my tent, I thought about how it was now blocking the sprinkler from getting to my tent. Also, earlier in the evening when we were setting up our tents, I told Stephanie that there were no widow maker branches. Guess I was wrong. 

Now for the last day. We left about 7:30. We had to first get back to the route. That was pretty easy. Mt. Hood Ln to the route. When we reached the route at the end of Mt. Hood Ln, there was indeed a view of Mt. Hood. 

It’s a little hazy, but she’s out there!

We still had several more miles of rollercoastering like yesterday. 

Wide open!

Shade break!

Wheat field and sky…that’s all. 

We made the turn up to Gordon Ridge. It was the last climb of the route that initiated the climb profile. 

The ride along the ridge was more rollercoastering, but the downs were more significant than the ups. 

We came down to pavement, and had one final bit of up (Rick and Monay passed us there). Then it was finally down down down, all the way to the Biggs-Rufus Hwy. 

That’s the Columbia River!

Just a little over a mile to go!

Deschutes State Park!


It was just noon, so we ate some lunch. We were talking about the plan from here. Would we camp here tonight, and head to The Dalles in the morning when it was cooler (there’s a significant climb)? Then Steph had an idea where she would leave all her bags here, and ride to the van, then come back and pick us up. Jana said she would go with her. Erin didn’t want to be picked up. I volunteered to stay with everyone’s stuff. They didn’t have to twist my arm on that one. As far as I’m concerned, I have finished the whole Oregon Outback. For the three of them, this was just their third day. 

So, they have taken off on unloaded bikes. 

I’m watching the stuff. I did go over to change out of my bike clothes. I couldn’t resist a free shower! Now I am clean, and waiting for their return. 

The Oregon Outback is a good route if you are prepared (water). It’s one that I could have done entirely solo, but I really enjoyed having Steph, Jana, and Erin join me for the last three days. Of course, I am also incredibly grateful to have Debbie and Brian in Prineville. If I had had to do the whole thing solo, getting to spend time with them in the middle would have been the only way to do it. 

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