Sunday, August 7, 2022

Day 59-Waiting…Again

We are so lucky that, even though we have to wait until tomorrow morning for me to pick up my new tire, we have a cool place (both literally and figuratively) to hang out in this yet another scorcher of a day. 

Another thing I forgot to mention about yesterday (you wouldn’t think there is that much going on…I mean…Kansas…but really, Kansas is much more than I expected). As I was riding in toward Great Bend, a van approached from the other direction. As it got closer, a guy leaned out waving a bottle of water. Asked me if I wanted some cold water. Well, of course! He handed me the bottle, said to be safe, and drove off. Then turned around and drove by me. That means, he had already passed me, turned around, came back, gave me the water, then turned around again. How amazing is that?!!

I slept until 7:00 this morning. Jeff was already gone when I got up. I ate some breakfast, then decided to go over to the grocery store while it was still cooler out. Of course, I had to go to a Dillon’s (Walmart was closer). We’ve gone through two towns named Dillon, and now a grocery store chain! My son is quite popular!

It’s along the lines of a Safeway. 

As I was riding back, I saw a tandem bike. It had to be John and Donna. I caught up, and sure enough, it was them. They were finishing a morning ride, and heading home so they could be back to the church a little later. 

I loaded my food into my panniers back at the church, and had just sat down to peruse YouTube. Deanne called out to me saying there was a cyclist just pulling up. I thought it couldn’t be Doug yet…it was only 9:15. But, it was Doug! He had left La Crosse at 4:40am! Turns out, he didn’t have the best experience there. He had gone swimming at the pool. When he got back to his bike at the park, a police officer showed up saying some people had reported a strange man at the pool. Really??? Now, I know he’s starting to look a little scruffy…but really??? I bet you anything, if I had been there, that wouldn’t have happened. Maybe they tried to talk to him at the pool, but he couldn’t hear them…didn’t notice. He has to remove his hearing aids to go in the water. I don’t know, but it was disheartening to say the least. He ended up moving to the hotel in town. He woke up early, and decided he wasn’t going to be able to go back to sleep, so he just packed up and left. 

After he took a break, we gathered our laundry, and headed over to the laundromat in town. As I was waiting for the washer to finish, a women kept looking at me. I went over to talk to her. She said I looked familiar. I didn’t see as how that could be since I’m not from here. I told her what we were doing. She asked if I had a YouTube channel. I told her I didn’t, but I had a blog. She wanted to know what it was, so I told her. She looked it up, and said she had seen it before. That’s the first time I’ve run into a stranger who has already seen my blog!

This is Kathy, a blog follower from Kansas! Pretty cool!

We went and got some lunch next door at Subway, then returned to the church. It was already heating up outside, and we wanted to retreat to the coolness of the church. 

I think John and Donna will come back this evening to meet Doug. I’ll hopefully get a photo of them then. 

Now I think I’ll go take a nap…Doug is snoozing already. 

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