Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Day 82-Our Trail Angel Arrives

This is only the second day of the entire trip where I haven’t ridden Tilmann at all. He has stayed parked in the hotel room the whole day. We also picked a great day to not be riding. There was a pretty good thunderstorm last night, and it rained off and on this morning. Tomorrow’s weather is supposed to be good. Although, we won’t be riding tomorrow (except in Eddie’s truck). 

We spent the morning mostly being lazy. I did pack my stuff to make sure the weight was even, since I sent some things home. I also arranged for Tim to mail my case for Tilmann to Yorktown. Thanks to Dillon for getting it out and folding it up. Probably the most significant thing I did this morning was…shave my legs!!! I couldn’t stand it anymore! Now I’ll be more aerodynamic!

Eddie arrived at about 3:30. We took a drive into Berea so he could see the Historic Boone Tavern. It’s all part of Berea College. 

Quite a few famous people have stayed here, including presidents. 

The student I talked to yesterday was correct about the college being affordable to all students. 

It didn’t say in the Tavern, but we think it’s called the Boone Tavern because it’s on the Daniel Boone Trail. This is right across the street from the Tavern. And that right there is our Trail Angel, Eddie! 

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we’ll throw our bikes in the back of his pickup, and head for Hindman. 

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