Thursday, June 7, 2018

(Backup) June 7: My Guy Lived!

I spent the better part of the morning taking care of various tasks. I’ve now set myself a deadline. I will fly home on July 10th. Actually, my flight from Perth to Sydney departs just 5 minutes shy of July 11th, so I will arrive home on the 11th—just 3 1/2 hours after I leave Sydney! That day I lost coming here, I will finally get back. July 10th should give me plenty of time to get to Perth with time to explore, and spend time with Cathie too. She has plans for us that will be fun.

I walked up to the Visitors Center to inquire about the condition of the Munda Biddi Track. All seems to be okay (except for a diversion near Collie). The fire I was worried about was south of where the Track goes (it closed the Bibbulmun Walking Track).

York Street in Albany

I picked up a few groceries, and went back to the motel. There were dark clouds looming, but the sun was still shining (although it was rather chilly). I decided to go to the Albany Heritage Park. 

That’s Mt. Clarence. I think I should go to the top.

First I rode up to the top of Mt. Clarence to the Desert Mounted Corps Memorial.


On the way down, I stopped at the Apex Lookout.

Middleton Beach

The ride up Mt. Adelaide was much easier. At the top was the National ANZAC Center. It’s an interactive museum about the ANZAC troops in WWII (not just Gallipoli). When you go in you get the card of a real person, then you follow their story. This was my guy.

Some of the people died, some lived. I followed Eric’s story. I was glad to find out he, though injured, survived and made it back to Australia! Whew!

Back outside I walked up to the Convoy Lookout. 

Where the ships were anchored before leaving for Gallipoli.

I rode back to town, and to the sign for the Southern Terminus of the Munda Biddi to see where it was for tomorrow morning. I’ll ride back with Tilmann, loaded, for the photo op. The sign said to sign in/out at the Visitors Center, so I rode back there and signed the log book. 

The blue line is the Munda Biddi. The yellow is the Bibbulmun.

So, everything is ready for tomorrow! Tomorrow, the next chapter of my Australian adventure begins!

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